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An independent, nonprofit marine operations and maritime risk research center and education institution 





Specialized Training and Assessment for Mariners and Pilots

Our specialized training and assessment programs, informed by the depth of our experience in this field and outcomes from our marine operations research, are custom tailored to address specific needs of a vessel owner/operator, pilot associations or to provide an advanced level of mariner workforce development beyond existing training standards and credentialing regimes mandated by regulation.

USMRC partner in providing world class

tug master and pilot training,

tugboat simulation,

auditing and assessments

for the Americas

Operational and Technical Programs

USMRC offers a wide range of education and training programs focused on the operational and technical aspects of marine operations, use of LNG as a marine fuel, maritime cyber assurance, maritime trade and supply chain security.  These programs include 50 USCG Approved / STCW Compliant courses for mariners - a few select courses from this library are regularly scheduled for individuals.  All others are available for groups and organizations.

USMRC partner in providing

Towing Officer Assessment Record (TOAR)

simulation training and assessments conducted by USCG approved

Designated Examiners

Marine Operations
Modeling and Simulation 

The USMRC Marine Operations Research Team brings a wealth of experience and a seasoned mariner perspective in employing both desktop and full mission, real-time, “mariner in the loop”, bridge simulation and modeling technologies to generate realistic outcomes and practical solutions to address a wide range of traditional and highly complex marine operations and navigation risk challenges.


An independent, nonprofit marine operations and maritime risk research center and education institution focused on:

  • Navigation and operational safety

  • Maritime risk mitigation

  • Human capital development

  • Raising awareness of international shipping maritime trade and transport

  • Contributing to environmental stewardship


To learn more see the following links.


Meet the Team

Advisory Board

Partnerships & Affiliations





ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Registration
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Registration No. 16-756


"Conduct operations research, modeling and simulation, education and training, and technical and risk assessment for the maritime sector."





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